Category: computer vision

Demystifying Object Detection with TensorFlow Hub

Introduction Object detection is a computer vision technique that enables machines to identify and localize objects within an image or a video. It has numerous applications, including autonomous vehicles, surveillance systems, image understanding, and augmented reality. TensorFlow, a popular open-source machine learning framework, offers a powerful toolkit for implementing object detection models. In this blog […]

Deep Learning-Based Object Detection Algorithms

Deep learning has revolutionized object detection, enabling accurate identification and classification of objects in images and videos. This technical overview explores the key concepts and techniques behind deep learning for object detection, including convolutional neural networks (CNNs), region-based CNNs, and one-shot learning. We also discuss the challenges and future directions of this rapidly evolving field.

Convolutional Neural Networks: An Overview

Convolutional Neural Networks (CNNs) have revolutionized the field of computer vision and have become a vital tool for a wide range of applications such as image classification, object detection, and segmentation. CNNs are a type of deep learning model that is inspired by the way the human brain processes visual information. CNNs have a long […]

Image Processing in Python: OpenCV Example Code

Image processing is a branch of computer science and engineering that deals with the analysis, manipulation, and enhancement of digital images. It involves the use of various mathematical and algorithmic techniques to process digital images, with the aim of improving their quality, extracting useful information, or converting them into a more suitable format for further […]

Deep Learning Techniques for Image Recognition

Image recognition, also known as computer vision (CV), is the process of analyzing and understanding digital images. It has numerous applications across various fields such as healthcare, security, transportation, and entertainment. Deep learning techniques have revolutionized the field of image recognition in recent years by enabling machines to identify and classify objects with high accuracy. […]

Object Detection using YOLOv5: A Simple Guide

YOLOv5 is one of the popular object detection algorithm YOLO (You Only Look Once) which was released in June 2020 and was developed by Glenn Jocher and the team at Ultralytics. YOLOv5 is a single-stage object detection algorithm, which means that it performs object detection in a single pass through the network, as opposed to […]

Data Augmentation: Techniques and Best Practices for Machine Learning and Computer Vision

Data Augmentation is a technique used in machine learning and computer vision to artificially increase the size of a dataset by creating new, slightly modified versions of existing data. It is typically done by applying various transformations such as rotation, cropping, scaling, flipping, adding noise, and more, to the original data. The resulting augmented data […]