AutoML: Present and Future

AutoML (Automated Machine Learning) refers to the process of automating the machine learning pipeline, including tasks such as model selection, hyperparameter tuning, and architecture design. The goal of AutoML is to make building and deploying ML models easier and more accessible to non-expert users. To achieve this goal, a number of AutoML libraries have been developed.


In this article, we will introduce ten of the most popular AutoML libraries, each of which provides a unique set of tools and features for automating the ML process.

  1. is a platform for machine learning and AI that offers a suite of tools for data preprocessing, modeling, and deployment. This platform provides an easy-to-use interface for building and deploying ML models, allowing even non-experts to train and deploy models with just a few clicks. The platform offers a range of tools for data preparation, feature engineering, model selection, and deployment, making it an ideal choice for organizations looking to implement AI and machine learning at scale. Website:
  2. TPOT: TPOT is an open-source AutoML library that uses a genetic algorithm to search for the best ML pipeline for a given dataset. This library provides a high-level API for automating the ML process, and it can be used to train and evaluate models for a wide range of use cases, including regression, classification, and clustering. The library is built on top of Scikit-learn, so users can take advantage of all the features and tools offered by that library. Website:
  3. Google’s AutoML: Google’s AutoML is a cloud-based platform that offers a suite of tools for image, text, and video classification, object detection, and language translation. This platform provides an easy-to-use interface for building and deploying ML models, and it offers a range of pre-trained models for common use cases, such as image classification and object detection. Additionally, the platform provides a set of tools for customizing and fine-tuning pre-trained models to meet the needs of specific use cases. Website:
  4. DataRobot: DataRobot is a cloud-based platform that provides a suite of tools for automated data preparation, modeling, and deployment. This platform provides an easy-to-use interface for automating the ML process, and it offers a range of pre-trained models for common use cases, such as regression and classification. Additionally, the platform provides a set of tools for customizing and fine-tuning pre-trained models to meet the needs of specific use cases. Website:
  5. Auto-Keras: Auto-Keras is an open-source library that provides a high-level API for automating the process of training and evaluating neural networks. This library provides an easy-to-use interface for building and deploying neural network models, and it offers a range of tools for automating the process of model selection and architecture design. Additionally, the library is built on top of Keras, so users can take advantage of all the features and tools offered by that library. Website:
  6. Auto-sklearn: auto-sklearn is an open-source library that provides an interface for automated machine learning in Scikit-learn. This library provides a high-level API for automating the ML process, and it offers a range of tools for automating the process of model selection and hyperparameter tuning. The library is built on top of Scikit-learn, so users can take advantage of all the features and tools offered by that library. The goal of auto-sklearn is to make it easier for non-experts to build and deploy high-quality ML models, and it provides a range of pre-built models for common use cases, such as regression and classification. Additionally, auto-sklearn provides a set of tools for customizing and fine-tuning pre-built models to meet the needs of specific use cases. Website:
  7. Neural Designer: A proprietary platform for automating the process of training and evaluating neural networks, with a focus on deep learning. This platform provides a user-friendly interface for building and deploying neural network models, and it offers a range of tools for automating the process of model selection, architecture design, and hyperparameter tuning. The platform provides an end-to-end solution for automating the ML process, making it easier for non-experts to build and deploy high-quality models. Additionally, Neural Designer is designed to scale to handle large datasets, making it an ideal choice for organizations looking to implement deep learning at scale. Website:
  8. BigML: BigML is a cloud-based platform for automating the machine learning process, with a focus on supervised learning (classification and regression). The platform provides a user-friendly interface for building and deploying ML models, and it offers a range of tools for automating the process of model selection, architecture design, and hyperparameter tuning. The goal of BigML is to make it easier for non-experts to build and deploy high-quality ML models, and it provides a range of pre-built models for common use cases. Additionally, BigML provides a set of tools for customizing and fine-tuning pre-built models to meet the needs of specific use cases. Website:
  9. MLBox: MLBox is an open-source library for automating the machine learning process, with a focus on supervised and unsupervised learning. The library provides a high-level API for automating the ML process, and it offers a range of tools for automating the process of model selection, architecture design, and hyperparameter tuning. The goal of MLBox is to make it easier for non-experts to build and deploy high-quality ML models, and it provides a range of pre-built models for common use cases, such as regression and classification. Additionally, MLBox provides a set of tools for customizing and fine-tuning pre-built models to meet the needs of specific use cases. Website:
  10. Auto-PyTorch: Auto-PyTorch is an open-source library for automating the process of training and evaluating neural networks, with a focus on deep learning. The library provides a high-level API for automating the ML process, and it offers a range of tools for automating the process of model selection, architecture design, and hyperparameter tuning. The goal of Auto-PyTorch is to make it easier for non-experts to build and deploy high-quality deep learning models, and it provides a range of pre-built models for common use cases, such as image classification and object detection. Additionally, Auto-PyTorch provides a set of tools for customizing and fine-tuning pre-built models to meet the needs of specific use cases. Website:

If you’re a beginner to AutoML, there are several steps you can take to get started:

  1. Familiarize yourself with machine learning concepts: Before diving into AutoML, it’s important to have a basic understanding of machine learning concepts, such as supervised learning, unsupervised learning, and reinforcement learning.
  2. Choose an AutoML platform: There are several AutoML platforms to choose from, including, DataRobot, and TPOT. Each platform has its own strengths and weaknesses, so it’s important to research each one and choose the platform that best meets your needs.
  3. Experiment with a simple use case: To get started with AutoML, try experimenting with a simple use case, such as image classification or sentiment analysis. This will help you to understand the basic features and capabilities of the platform you’ve chosen.
  4. Explore the documentation and tutorials: Most AutoML platforms have extensive documentation and tutorials to help you get started. Be sure to explore these resources and work through the examples provided.
  5. Participate in online communities: AutoML is a rapidly growing field, and there are many online communities where you can ask questions, share your experiences, and connect with other users.

Generally, the best way to get started with AutoML is to experiment with a simple use case, familiarize yourself with the platform you’ve chosen, and participate in online communities.

However, please note that there are several disadvantages of AutoML:

  1. Black box nature: One of the biggest disadvantages of AutoML is its black box nature, as users do not have full visibility into the process of model selection, architecture design, and hyperparameter tuning.
  2. Lack of control: Another disadvantage of AutoML is the lack of control over the process of model selection and tuning, as users are limited to the set of models and hyperparameters provided by the AutoML platform.
  3. Limited customization: AutoML platforms often provide limited options for customizing models and fine-tuning hyperparameters, making it difficult for users to fully meet the needs of specific use cases.
  4. High cost: AutoML platforms can be expensive, especially for large organizations that need to scale up their machine learning capabilities.
  5. Dependence on proprietary software: Some AutoML platforms are built on proprietary software, making it difficult for organizations to switch to alternative platforms or build their own custom solutions.
  6. Bias in models: AutoML platforms can sometimes introduce bias into the models they produce, especially if the training data is biased.
  7. Performance limitations: AutoML algorithms may not perform as well as custom-built models, especially for complex use cases or large datasets.

Thus, although AutoML has the potential to democratize machine learning and make it easier for non-experts to build and deploy high-quality models, it is important to carefully consider the disadvantages of AutoML before implementing it in a production environment.

In the future, AutoML is expected to become even more sophisticated, with better algorithms for model selection, architecture design, and hyperparameter tuning. Additionally, AutoML is expected to become more accessible, with the development of cloud-based platforms and tools that make it easier for organizations to implement machine learning at scale. Furthermore, AutoML is expected to become more integrated into the development lifecycle, making it easier for data scientists to iterate on models and quickly deploy new models into production. In summary, the future of AutoML looks bright, and it is likely to play a major role in shaping the future of machine learning.

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